Musings on the 'Calculating Individual'
- He’ll think through very carefully and Execute sharply.
- He’ll never Reveal the detailed plan in his mind to ANYONE- until the right time & and he knows the right time.
- He’ll exclude you ( not purposely), if you’re of the slightest impediment.
- He’ll ensure he does this extremely Tactfully.
- He’ll concentrate on doing the Right thing, to retain the Moral Edge.
- He wont mind not including you- he’s totally Self-Reliant.
- He knows Exactly what he wants, and will take the appropriate Risks to achieve it.
- He CANNOT Love unconditionally. He knows everyone's place but won’t allow his understandings outward expression.
- He’s generally very guarded – is driven by own thoughts and understanding. Is never influenced by outside opinion.
- He’ll Respect others’ ‘space’, but his own the most.
- He Is generally very Stubborn.
- He is utterly prepared. When he acts, he leaves no holes to pick.
- He’s calculating the whole time- how to get ahead, build understanding and take his place in the world.
- Even relaxation has an objective for him.
- He finds connecting with people Highly Difficult.
- He can never experience happiness in relationships really- has no depth of unconditional love to give.
- His analysis of situations is usually spot on- it’s extremely difficult for him to go wrong.