- "Unconditional Love between Man & Woman exists"
- "Love is enough bro"
- "Man up & Settle down!'
- Drowning Inner emptiness with booze, video games & porn
- Not addressing underlying causes of Inner pain & Angst
- Not finding a Creative outlet
- Falling in love with infatuation itself
- Wrongly Thinking- being content & comfortable is 'self actualization'
- 'Resting' 'finally' in a Relationship
- Going with the flow, thinking things will just happen
- Not learning from the past- Rationalizing it instead
- Waiting to find 'Purpose'
- "Lifting is for meatheads bud"
- "Dressing well is gay bro!"
- "Be humble. Play small
- Blind Faith in Authority. Zero Independent, Critical Thinking
- "Money is evil buddy"
- Repress own Convictions. "What's the point man? let it be"
- Fitting in. Conforming
- Being emotionally influenced by weak music
- Reading the Exact genre of books again and again and again
- Taking zero Risks
- Having zero options as far as women are concerned
- Settling (taking the 'practical' route)
- "Carbs is the enemy. No, actually Fat is the enemy." Creating enemies with Zero context and zero understanding.
- Not using your head when it comes to vetting women
- Being brainwashed by mainstream media
- Falling for the lies of 'nice'
- "We're all fucked man"
- Supplementation is bullshit bro
- Putting women on a Pedestal
- Not being extremely Specific with what you want
Conduct a Rigorous Self Audit.
Make Required Changes.
Good Luck.