– Irresolute and Oscillating
– Half Decided Questions Lingering in their minds
– Swords Hanging over their heads
– Exert an overall Demoralizing influence
– Always on the Fence about the Smallest of things
– Create a Whole Atmosphere around them which is Loaded with Indecision
– Constantly Wavering- they are Timid and…
Musings on the 'Calculating Individual'
He’ll think through very carefully and Execute sharply.
He’ll never Reveal the detailed plan in his mind to ANYONE- until the right time & and he knows the right time.
He’ll exclude you ( not purposely), if you’re of the slightest impediment.
He’ll ensure he does…
Don’t make many small decisions- Make Few, Hard Decisions that Matter, which you’re Resisting.
Don’t Focus TOO much on the Details- Eliminate the Bullshit and Focus on the Essentials.
Don’t be Methods Driven- be Results Driven. Do what Works. Fuck the Rest.
Don’t aim for Perfection, you’ll never attain it…
13 Common Conflations
Self Respect vs Self conceit
Interested vs Nosy
Relaxed vs Lackadaisical
Steadfast vs Stubborn
Conversational vs Jabbering
Free Spirited vs Arrogant
Thrifty vs Stingy
Mixing well with people vs Being Artificial
Logical vs Disregard to own/others’ feelings
Decisiveness vs Impatience
Thriving & Performing
Daily- Writing down Tasks to be Achieved
Visualizing Achievement of Goals Daily
Tackling most unpleasant Tasks when freshest
Consolidating Time in Big Chunks
Before every task undertaken- identifying the Objective it must Achieve
Tolerating Zero Clutter
80:20 Rule
Ready-Fire aim- Killing procrastination
"Unconditional Love between Man & Woman exists"
"Love is enough bro"
"Man up & Settle down!'
Drowning Inner emptiness with booze, video games & porn
Not addressing underlying causes of Inner pain & Angst
Not finding a Creative outlet
Falling in love with infatuation itself
Wrongly Thinking- being…