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Discover and Actualise your Ultimate Masculine Potential​

This is not a conventional ‘newsletter’.

My form of a ‘newsletter’ is a Live Chat with men in the Fatehshernu Community — where I express myself ON THE SPOT (totally unfiltered). If you’re interested to know more about it, you can click here (it’s much much more than just a one way communication)

Regarding my work here… I invest my Time in writing Posts for my website, engaging with men in the Fatehshernu Community daily, tweeting daily, writing E-Books of practical subjects that according to me require greater Understanding, Analysis & Emphasis.

As of now, I have no plans on bombarding you with daily, weekly/ monthly newsletters.

I MAY but most likely will not.

My main Goal is to Stay Connected with you.

That’s the no.1 reason I want you to Subscribe.

We’re living in an ever changing, fragile World.

‘De-platforming is the new norm’. Who knows, I may be a Victim of this bullshit one fine day.

Twitter itself may shut down.

Some of you have supported my work from day 1, when my Twitter following was < 100. And Stuck with me ever since.

I have the Utmost Gratitude for that.

I value the Connection. The Exchange of messages. It’s Priceless.

If you’ve just come across my profile or you’ve been following me for a while, & you enjoy my content- This is call to Sign up.

The Continuation (& the consequent deepening) of our Connection will be Guaranteed no matter what.

I wish to make this an interactive relationship. Bounce off Ideas, reply to emails.

I learn from you as much as you do or would from me.

It’s a win-win Relationship.

Once you sign up, you have direct access to my email inbox.

I’d be delighted to receive & respond to any questions, feedback, messages from you.

And further, you will never miss any crucial updates from my side, as they would be announced via this email list which you’re going to be signing up for !


Discover and Actualise your Ultimate Masculine Potential​

What people say?​


Discover and Actualise your Ultimate Masculine Potential​