This is not a conventional ‘newsletter’.
My form of a ‘newsletter’ is a Live Chat with men in the Fatehshernu Community — where I express myself ON THE SPOT (totally unfiltered). If you’re interested to know more about it, you can click here (it’s much much more than just a one way communication)
Regarding my work here… I invest my Time in writing Posts for my website, engaging with men in the Fatehshernu Community daily, tweeting daily, writing E-Books of practical subjects that according to me require greater Understanding, Analysis & Emphasis.
As of now, I have no plans on bombarding you with daily, weekly/ monthly newsletters.
I MAY but most likely will not.
My main Goal is to Stay Connected with you.
That’s the no.1 reason I want you to Subscribe.
We’re living in an ever changing, fragile World.
‘De-platforming is the new norm’. Who knows, I may be a Victim of this bullshit one fine day.
Twitter itself may shut down.
Some of you have supported my work from day 1, when my Twitter following was < 100. And Stuck with me ever since.
I have the Utmost Gratitude for that.
I value the Connection. The Exchange of messages. It’s Priceless.
If you’ve just come across my profile or you’ve been following me for a while, & you enjoy my content- This is call to Sign up.
The Continuation (& the consequent deepening) of our Connection will be Guaranteed no matter what.
I wish to make this an interactive relationship. Bounce off Ideas, reply to emails.
I learn from you as much as you do or would from me.
It’s a win-win Relationship.
Once you sign up, you have direct access to my email inbox.
I’d be delighted to receive & respond to any questions, feedback, messages from you.
And further, you will never miss any crucial updates from my side, as they would be announced via this email list which you’re going to be signing up for !
What people say?
“Just had a really illuminating discussion on google hangouts with @fatehshernu. He gave brilliant insights into things I was having trouble with. I recommend everyone follow this man, he is filled with wisdom.”
Tanay (@t4nay)
“Really enjoyed my conversation with @fatehshernu . Insightful stuff that led me to understand more about how I get in my own way plus solutions to these issues to live a more enjoyed experience. Definitely recommend a follow and he’s quick with responding if you reach out.”
Brendan (@FCBrendan)
“Just had a great consultation with @fatehshernu Clear, concise, to the point. Get in touch with him to gain some clarity and get some insights on mapping out your journey! Can’t recommend it enough.”
Wahid (@Wahid_Amjad)
“Thank you @fatehshernu for your time. It helped me to rediscover my strengths, which will further helps me to raise my value.”
Karthik Reddy (@karthikpreddy)
“One discussion can truly change the trajectory of your life! Appreciate the support and advice! @fatehshernu”
truthfool@dasilva (@truthfooldasil1)
“Had an intense chat today with @fatehshernu about Cyniscm and Stoicism. He is the man to go to when you need to sharpen your axe. Great going my friend.”
Humble Knight (@humbknight)
“Great Talk Today With @fatehshernu In His Free Session. Few great Books Recommendations, Some Practical Advice. He Surely Knows His Stuff. Thanks?.”
Experimental Scientist (@21Illuminations)
“Had an amazingly insightful and helpful conversation with @fatehshernu. This guy’s knowledge, clarity of thought, purpose and direction are unmatched !! Thanks for sharing some of your wisdom !”
Saahil P (@spooj82)
“Had an amazing and helpful conversation with @fatehshernu today evening. Loved the way we discussed and the way he explained everything. To the point, clear and with a deep insight. Thank you. Looking forward for such more conversations.”
Sanjeev Ranjan (@iSanjeevRanjan)
“Had an insightful and helpful conversation with @fatehshernu .. loved the way he was able to get the point even from my vague thoughts !! looking forward to more such conversations !! Thanks Fateh !”
Naveen Rathi (@rathinav)
“Had an amazing conversation the other day with @fatehshernu Mind opening and reflective.”
Charles Francis (@coolestcharlie)
“Can not recommend enough on direct consultation with @fatehshernu. This is equivalent to talking with multiple advisors ranging from strengths/ weaknesses to motivations to goals to spiritual pathways in one session.”
Yash Potlapalli (@yashwanthp)
“Shout out to @fatehshernu. Just had a very in depth conversation with him. Gave me actionable steps on what I needed to do and guided me through each individual step. Came out feeling more enlightened. Highly Recommend.”
The king (@Theking62965271)
“Had a great follow up conversation with @fatehshernu !! Even more effective and in-depth this time. As expected exceptional clarity of thought and direction from this man. Truly inspiring stuff !!”
Saahil (@spooj82)
“My discussion with him was more insightful than with therapist. Gave me details of exact book I needed to read, at this point in life. Zero bullshit and a fuckton of humility.”
goldencat (@goldencatpat)
“1hr call with @fatehshernu today. In 20mins he was able to articulate a deep fundamental issue that had been affecting my entire life since boyhood. If you feel there is something ‘holding you back’ or itching at your soul, but don’t know why – you will be wise to speak with him”
goldencat (@goldencatpat)
“@fatehshernu Had multiple sessions with him. Explored many issues of my life and it turned out to be a life changing discussion. If something is bothering you and wants to discuss, he is the right person.”
Sanjeev Ranjan (@iSanjeevRanjan)
“Really enjoyed my conversation with @fatehshernu . Insightful stuff that led me to understand more about how I get in my own way plus solutions to these issues to live a more enjoyed experience. Definitely recommend a follow and he’s quick with responding if you reach out.”
Brendan (@FCBrendan)
“Went through a rough patch last year in life, lost my self and regressed to a point where I was unable to have faith in my self to carry on in any direction, @fatehshernu consultation helped me construct a plan of attack to get back to the vision I once had wanted to achieve.”
Hrad Atashian (@HAtashian)
“Your tweets are truly what every man needs to hear.I’m amazed at how many times you’ve distilled truth in your messages. Couldn’t be more appreciative.”
Brad Behrens
“You shatter my daydreams and get me to bullshit. And what you say is simple but hidden in plain sight.”
Saurabh (@SRKARWA)
“@fatehshernu has been pounding out of the tweets that hit *right to the core* of what it means to be a man of quality and integrity. Making me thinking about myself and where I maybe lacking. Love it.”
Arnie (@TheSigmaMind)
“I find the level of truth in @fatehshernu tweets to be astounding. My personal interactions with him have only made me more highly of him.”
“I’ve screenshotted a fair few of your tweets now without following. Shit is the slap in the face I need when coasting. Peace, blessings and more wisdom your way.”
Lu Bu (@IgnoreMeAmCrazy)
“Hey Fateh, I’m curious. How do you craft such fatastic tweets?”
Zaid K. Dahhaj (@zaiderrr)
“I don’t think Fateh has ever written a tweet I did’nt appreciate. Literally the only account I can say that about. The man puts me to shame, which is just fine because it makes me better.”
Hunter Drew (@TheFamilyAlpha)
“I’m hearing you brother. Know what I need to do now to lead the life I should have always. Fan of all your insights.”
Ted Jones (@TeddJones)
“Oh man, your posts are maling a very big impact on my way of thinking. Still struggling to make visible results out of it, but the first steps are made”
mata_leo (@mata_leo89)
“Hello Fatesh I’ve been following you for a while and I most that your account is one of the best on Twitter since I became active. Your point of view on matters are stunning and amazing.I have no regrets following you”
“You may have to slice through my psyche and expose weaknesses of mine that I didnt even knew existed”
NaSH3790 (@NSh37990)
“Truth guided my tradition and sanity, which cut through the nonsense of vacuous trends and styles mindlessly adopted by the masses”
Johnathan (@JohnathanRaiss)
“Powerful insights on life. Besides learning from experiences is fascinating.”
Riten (@ritendebnath)
“You speak the truth…no matter how harsh it may sound.”
Reondh Singh (@Reo_RS7)
“Pure raw truth. Hits righ in the core and inspires me to change. Your words shift my paradigm and make me a better human.”
Bryan (@flowingwithbryn)
“Resurrecting The Modern Man serves as an important guide to men in all aspects of their lives – mindset, women, relationships, masculinity, strength, character, and perseverance. Raw, honest, and straightforward in its delivery, I’d recommend this book to any man who is interested in moving beyond societal falsehoods and aligning his worldview with reality”
LifeMathMoney (@LifeMathMoney)
“These words of wisdom provide succinct, digestible pieces of wisdom and guidance for anyone. I know that it’s written to guide the lost modern boy into manhood, but the wisdom contained is essential to help a suffering generation find its way again.”
Ed Latimore (@EdLatimore)