- Fuck your Ego- Become obsessed with the Idea of Adding Value. Here's your Shortcut to 'Happiness'.
- Fuck 'Sweet Sentiments'. That's not Love. Love is Giving. It is Sacrifice.
- Fuck 'Grinding'. Grinding indicates Tiresome Drudgery. Drudgery ensues when there is no IDEAL. Make your Hard work an Adventure. Have some Ideal in Mind when you Work.
- Fuck 'Popularity'. Garner Self Respect. Everything else will follow. If it doesn't- it won't matter.
- Stick to your Word and Agreements NO MATTER WHAT- this is how you Earn Trust.
- Remember- if you ever go broke- all you have left is CHARACTER.
- Here are your Real Riches- Family, Real Friends, Health and a Clean Conscience. Everything else is fucking gravy.