- Your Friends Reveal who you are.
- Your Actions Reveal your Decisions.
- Your Sacrifices Reveal the Intensity of your Desire/s.
- Your Tone and Body language Reveal the State of your Inner Mind and Heart.
- Your State of Health Reveals your Overall Self-Control.
- Adversity Reveals Bravery.
- How Money is spent Reveals Perspective & Values.
- A Woman’s Respect for her Father Reveals the Levels of Respect she will have for her Future Husband.
- A Child's value system Reveals his Parents' Training & Education.
- Jealousy Reveals Innermost Desires.
- What is not said Reveals Tact.
- The Intensity & Command over one's Feelings Reveal Character.
- Your Conduct during Participation in Sports Reveals your Character.
- Your Conduct when Drunk Reveals your Character.
- Your Conduct when Nobody is looking Reveals your Character.
- Your Levels of Obedience to your own Conscience Reveals your Manhood.
- What you have Become Reveals what you have most Focused upon.