- Personal Qualities
- Personal Habits
- Thinking
- Business Style
- Management Style
- Overall
1. Personal Qualities:
- Self Doubt
- Hesitancy & Indecisiveness
- Laziness
- Pessimism
- Droopiness
- Unimaginative
2. Personal Habits:
- Always Find ways to Dissipate your Energy.
- Always Allow people to impinge on your time. Be nice, never say No.
- Always leave things Unfinished.
- Scatter your Forces
- Never Concentrate your Energies.
Try to do many things at once so as to end up doing damn all.
3. Thinking
- Only Think, never do. Be a Visionary
- Be 'Bubbling with ideas' alone- and a Master at Non-Execution.
- Don't go into Business. Play Safe.
- If you go into Business, choose a Business that DOES NOT Suit your Temperament & Inclinations
- Tolerate Unclearly, Hazy, Foggy thinking.
- Think Short-Term always.
- Think about Spending before you make money.
- Hit the panic button at the drop of a hat.
4. Business Style:
- Create a product that gives you a "sense of Pride". Completely ignore Market Demand.
- Give in to the Temptation to Over-Expand without Justification.
- Overlook Legitimate opportunities to Expand.
- Either take Zero Risks or take unjustified Risks.
- Lose Sight of your Core Business/Niche.
- Let your Expenses run out of control.
5. Management Style:
- Attempt to do everything yourself. Never Outsource.
- Never Supervise. Assume all the work entrusted will get done.
- Appreciate no one. Be insincere with your own people.
- Be Arrogant with Customers.
6. Overall:
- Fear the Future and Fear Failure.
- Be Naive. Take things at Face Value as a Rule.
- Deal with Intelligent Untrustworthy people who can Fool you.
- Break your word, Scar your own Reputation.
- Surround yourself with Poor people, never change your Environment.
- Be afraid to Network.
Literally, Hide. Expect customers to come to you from the Sky, & Money to flow to you by sitting & praying in a corner. Hate Action.